Our History
Prior to 2005, Craig County, Virginia was classified as a medically underserved area and one of the 200 poorest counties in the United States. It had no dependable medical or dental health providers. Several attempts had been made to provide these types of services but were unsuccessful. Around 2005, a group of local citizens, dedicated to the idea of establishing good dependable healthcare center in the county, began to pursue the task of obtaining a provider.
In 2006, with the help of the Virginia Primary Care Association, arrangements had been made with Monroe Health Centers (MHC), a healthcare provider based in Union, West Virginia, to provide guidance and resources for the necessary medical and dental services. Under the MHC umbrella, a Federally Qualified Health Care organization, it was less complicated to secure grant funding and meet federal guidelines. The facilities to house the healthcare provider had been donated to the Craig County government, who turned over the title to the Craig County Industrial Development Authority (IDA). The IDA, not having 501(c)(3) status, was unable to lease the facilities to MHC, therefore, the CCRHCC was established to serve in this capacity as the not-for-profit arm to channel grants and other funds to MHC.
The MHC/CCRHCC partnership has proved to be an excellent example of a cross-border cooperative effort to bring healthcare to the rural areas of two states.
Since its inception, CCRHCC has leased the facilities to MHC through an “Assignment of Lease”. The funds from this lease have been utilized to assist certain indigent patients with the costs of medical or dental care and pharmaceutical needs in addition to other health related community efforts.
Much of the success of the medical and dental centers can be attributed to major grants and other funding received from the following:
· Federally Qualified Health Care (FQHC) and Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) provided funding which aided in the development of the center.
· Virginia Department of Housing & Community Development provided funds to construct a new Medical Center.
· A Virginia Community Healthcare Association grant covered the costs of renovating the old medical building into the current dental facility.
· Congressional Earmarks from Boucher and Goodlatte (via TAP) for buildings and equipment.
CCRHCC is proud to continue this service in honor of those who worked, and continue to work, so diligently and tirelessly to provide for the Craig community. The County will continue to be a great place to live because of their efforts.